Connected. Supported. Safe. This week, May 2-6, Diamond S. Company is joining together with construction companies across the nation to celebrate National Construction Safety Week and reaffirm our unwavering commitment to safety on the job—safety for the people in the communities where we live and work and a safe and supportive work environment for our workers.  

“Commitment to safety is never optional in the construction industry, especially when working with natural gas lines,” said Enoch Smith. “At Diamond S. Company, safety has always been a core value that’s woven into our daily routines. We follow protocols and heed strict safety rules to protect the community and our workers—to ensure that each and every person returns home to their families at night in the same condition in which they arrived in the morning. Nothing is more important.”

Diamond S Company’s safety program is centered around proper training and certification to work with natural gas lines and operate specialized equipment made specifically for the type of work we do. In addition to task-specific training, all employees are required to pass a drug screen and complete training on company policies and safety standards. We also encourage open communication between our teams in the field, expecting every member of our crews to be accountable for their own safety as well as the safety of the others on their crew. 

In addition to keeping everyone physically safe, we also recognize the importance of creating a supportive environment for our team. We encourage camaraderie and support within and across our crews and aim to provide an inclusive work environment in which everyone is treated as an equally important part of our team. 

If not done correctly, installing natural gas distribution lines can be a dangerous job. In order to prevent accidents and injuries, we take safety seriously. We are proud to join our fellow construction workers across the nation in recognizing the advanced safety measures and standards in the industry and in celebrating our industry’s commitment to keeping our workers safe.

About Construction Safety Week

Construction Safety Week is an annual initiative that celebrates the accomplishments of the construction industry and the commitment of construction companies and workers nationwide to building a stronger, safer construction industry. The celebration serves as a show of force across the entire construction industry, aiming to re-energize safety initiatives in an effort to eliminate all incidents on construction job sites.